Multiple Wisps ⁽ʷ⁾ (Legendary)
Category: Wisp
Species: Wispcat
Allows a Wispcat to have multiple wisps.
- ✔️ A Wispcat can have anywhere between 2 - 5 wisps.
- ❌ All wisps must hover above the head - they cannot hover over other parts of the body.
Calico ⁽ʷ⁾ (Legendary)
Category: Fur
Species: Wispcat
- ✔️ Something you can do with the trait.
- ❌ Something you can't do
Colored Fur ⁽ʷ⁾ (Legendary)
Category: Fur
Species: Wispcat
- ✔️ Something you can do with the trait.
- ❌ Something you can't do
Colored Eyes ⁽ʷ⁾ (Legendary)
Category: Eyes
Species: Wispcat
- ✔️ Something you can do with the trait.
- ❌ Something you can't do
Ear Wings ⁽ʷ⁾ (Legendary)
Category: Ears
Species: Wispcat
This is a seasonal trait and cannot be used without the matching trait potion.
Allows you to replace a Wispcat's ears with wings.
- ✔️ Can be any sort of wing, as long as they read as wings, ie feathered, bat, insect, etc.
- ✔️ Can be paired wings, ie two overlapping butterfly wings.
- ❌ It must replace both ears entirely, connected to the skull at the base of the wing.
Fins ⁽ʷ⁾ (Legendary)
Category: Body
Species: Wispcat
This is a seasonal trait and cannot be used without the matching trait potion.
Allows you to replace any of a Wispcat's legs with fins.
- ✔️ Any sort of fin is acceptable, as long as it reads as a fin.
- ✔️ Mermaid-like tails are also acceptable, instead of traditional fish-like fins.
- ✔️ You don't have to replace all of the limbs - you can replace just the back legs if you wish.
- ✔️ Can be mixed with other paw traits, such as Claws and Paws.
- ❌ Replaced limbs must be paired - you cannot change one front leg and one back leg only. You would have to change both front legs or both back legs.
- ❌ This trait only applies to the legs of a wispcat - fins on the elbows, cheeks, back, etc count as decoration and are a free trait.
Multiple Limbs ⁽ʷ⁾ (Legendary)
Category: Body
Species: Wispcat
This is a seasonal trait and cannot be used without the matching trait potion.
- ✔️ Something you can do with the trait.
- ❌ Something you can't do
Minor Altered Form (Legendary)
Category: Body
Species: Wispcat
Allows a Wispcat to have two different colorations that they can freely switch between.
- ✔️ Can have different markings and marking colours.
- ❌ Other traits must stay the same; if one form has White Fur, then so must the other.
- ❌ Lineart must remain the same between both forms.
Major Aura ⁽ʷ⁾ (Legendary)
Category: Aura
Species: Wispcat
Major auras are a legendary effect that is either very complicated, or significant in size or effect, and may be a combination of several medium and/or minor auras
- ✔️ Examples of this as follows:
- very complicated objects
- significant environmental effects
- causing plants in the surrounding area to grow, combined with drifting lights
- electricity crackles that are not only on the cat itself, but around it
- flames starting in the vicinity, without specific contact
- ❌ Auras do not manifest on the ground
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