
Black Fur ⁽ʷ⁾

Black Fur ⁽ʷ⁾ (Common)

Category: Fur
Species: Wispcat

☑️ This is a default trait and can be applied to new Wispcats for free. Changes to an existing Wispcat require a potion.

Gives a Wispcat black fur.

  • ✔️ Can be off-black, as long as it still reads as black; reference color is [ #2f2f2f ] for minimum brightness.
  • ❓ Color-tinted blacks may need staff approval on a case-by-case basis to ensure it doesn't overlap with the Colored Fur trait. See the Color Guide for further insight.
White Fur  ⁽ʷ⁾

White Fur ⁽ʷ⁾ (Common)

Category: Fur
Species: Wispcat

☑️ This is a default trait and can be applied to new Wispcats for free. Changes to an existing Wispcat require a potion.

Gives a Wispcat white fur.

  • ✔️ Can be off-white, as long as it still reads as white; reference color is [ #f0f0f0 ] for maximum brightness.
  • ❓ Color-tinted whites may need staff approval on a case-by-case basis to ensure it doesn't overlap with the Colored Fur trait. See the Color Guide for further insight.
Gray Fur  ⁽ʷ⁾

Gray Fur ⁽ʷ⁾ (Uncommon)

Category: Fur
Species: Wispcat


  • ✔️ Something you can do with the trait.
  • ❌ Something you can't do
Calico  ⁽ʷ⁾

Calico ⁽ʷ⁾ (Legendary)

Category: Fur
Species: Wispcat


  • ✔️ Something you can do with the trait.
  • ❌ Something you can't do
Longhaired ⁽ʷ⁾

Longhaired ⁽ʷ⁾ (Rare)

Category: Fur
Species: Wispcat

exclam.png This is a seasonal trait and cannot be used without the matching trait potion.

The longhaired trait allows a Wispcat to have long fur across their face, neck, legs and body.

  • ✔️ The long hair should be visible on their face, neck, legs and body.
  • ❌ Long hair on a few parts of the body (for example, the cheeks and chest but not the legs) do not count as this trait and are considered free.
  • ❌ Ear tufts cannot be made long with this trait, as that would require the Long Tufts uncommon trait.
Colored Fur ⁽ʷ⁾

Colored Fur ⁽ʷ⁾ (Legendary)

Category: Fur
Species: Wispcat


  • ✔️ Something you can do with the trait.
  • ❌ Something you can't do
Hairless ⁽ʷ⁾

Hairless ⁽ʷ⁾ (Rare)

Category: Fur
Species: Wispcat

exclam.png This is a seasonal trait and cannot be used without the matching trait potion.


  • ✔️ Something you can do with the trait.
  • ❌ Something you can't do
Neon Fur

Neon Fur (Illegal)

Category: Fur

exclam_yellow.png This is a illegal trait and cannot be used on any Wispcat. This is for record keeping purposes only.


  • ✔️ Something you can do with the trait.
  • ❌ Something you can't do
8 results found.