Custom via Growlipsis
Category: Ticket
This item is to be redeemed for a Custom Wispcat by Growlipsis, commonly known as Growlie.
There are no rarity restrictions with this item as you can ask for any trait in the Common, Uncommon, Rare, and Legendary categories unless otherwise stated.
Multiple Wisps
Legendary Trait
Allows a single use of the Multiple Wisps trait. May be applied to an existing Wispcat, or along with the submission of a MYO.
Minor Altered Form
Category: Wispcat Traits
Allows a single use of the Minor Altered Form trait. May be applied to an existing Wispcat, or along with the submission of a MYO.
Readoption Thank You Gift
Category: Box
We genuinely appreciate your choice to let someone else love your Wispcat. Thank you so much!!
Colored Eyes
Category: Wispcat Traits
Allows a single use of the Colored Eyes trait. May be applied to an existing Wispcat, or along with the submission of a MYO.
Abstract X
Category: Wispcat Traits
Allows a single use of the Abstract X trait. May be applied to an existing Wispcat, or along with the submission of a MYO.
Design Voucher
Category: Ticket
A Design Voucher is a single-use item, which may be redeemed:
- In the Readoption Center
- On select adopts
- Custom designs (This depends on the designer as not all designers may accept them)